Tuesday, September 23, 2014

3 Reasons to Social-Eyes with a Purpose for Your Business

In the last decade, social media and blogging have moved from the realm of teenagers on MySpace to being widely-used business tools. 

When done correctly, social media and blogging can be part of a very effective marketing strategy. If you’re not already using social media and blogging to tell your story and interact with current and potential customers, here are three reasons you should:

1. You position yourself as an expert.
By sharing useful content (usually called inbound marketing) about your industry and company, you show your current and future customers that you have knowledge and expertise and can be trusted. Also, your existing customers need content to share if they’re going to be online ambassadors for your company and tell others about the great job you’re doing. A recent
Harvard Business Review article shows approximately 43% of social media users have purchased a product or service as a result of seeing it shared or favorited on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

2. You get instant feedback from the people who matter the most. Social media and blogging allow for interaction with your current and future customers. The public nature of this interaction has made some companies hesitate to jump into the conversation, but there’s great value in the feedback you can get via social media and blogs. By using old-fashioned customer service strategies in new media, you can quickly resolve potential issues and keep loyal customers. Companies such as
Comcast have developed reputations as social media stars because of their responses to customers experiencing difficulties.

3. It’s inexpensive and effective.
Before social media and blogging, companies were more limited in their options for reaching out to current and potential customers. While options such as direct mail and advertising are effective, they also can be expensive and are one shot deals. Social media tools and blogging allow you to inexpensively target customers and provide multiple opportunities for interaction.
Researchers estimate 90% of internet-savvy adults use some form of social media--if your customers are using these tools, shouldn’t you?

Escaype Enterprises can help your company develop and execute a social media strategy that will make you stand out and get noticed. Visit our
website TODAY for more information.


Friday, September 12, 2014

4 Ways to Boost Your Web Presence Without Breaking the Bank

It's no secret that having a strong web presence for your business is essential in today's internet-driven world. 

Marketers frequently throw around terms like, “search engine optimization” (SEO) and act as though there's some magic formula that only they know to move your company up in Google's search rankings. 

The good news is that increasing your company's web presence and visibility isn't rocket science. With a little effort and common sense The good The good news is that increasing your company's web presence and visibility isn't rocket science. 

With a little effort and common sense advice from those with experience, you can implement practical strategies like these for making your business visible to current and potential customers alike:

1. Have compelling content. 
It's pretty simple if you think about it. How likely are you to share someone else's sales pitch with all of your Facebook friends or Twitter followers? It's probably not going to happen. When you are creating website content, writing blog posts, sharing information on social media and participating in online discussions, it's so important to think in terms of who your audience is and what they will find interesting and worthy of passing on. It may initially be hard to break out of the "hard sell" mode, but giving your current and potential customers information they can use and offering to help them find solutions that work for them will go much further. Stumped about how to create compelling content that's relevant to your brand? Ragan Communicationsoffers these tips.

2. Keywords = Traffic. 
Keywords hugely influence the amount of traffic websites that blogs get because they allow search engines to determine how well a page matches a user's search term. Make sure your website pages have popular keyword tags and that you include keyword labels when posting blog entries in sites such as Blogger and WordPress. 

3. Use review sites to your advantage. 
When deciding between you and your competitors, a majority of adults turn to online reviews. The popular site, Yelp, has 18 million unique visitors each month, and 85% of users say they give as much weight to an online review as they would a personal recommendation. Seek out your best customers and ask if they would be willing to write reviews for you, and make sure you monitor new reviews and respond when needed. Here are some basics for making Yelp work for you.

4. Get social. Get involved. 
We've discussed the importance of social media for businesses in this blog, but it bears repeating. Most people who are online are on at least one social network. Depending on your type of business, it's most likely beneficial to have a presence on popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn. In addition to that, become involved in online forums, newsgroups and discussions to increase your visibility.

Escaype Enterprises can help your company develop a customized strategy to increase your web presence and allow you to stand out and get noticed. 

Visit our website TODAY for more information.