As consumers take more control as to which physicians they see, practices have to consider how to market themselves
directly to consumers. And with everything else you have to worry about, getting a
handle on your marketing efforts can feel really overwhelming.
The good news? It's totally manageable. Below are some tips to make you stand out as a healthcare marketing warrior:
1. Do some recon.
It's easy to get locked into your daily routines and not think much about your competition. But to develop a strong marketing plan, you need to know what makes you different and how you stand out from your competitors. If you don't know why you're better, it's going to be a hard sell to convince others.
2. Be strategic.
Now that you know your competitive advantages, think about where you want your practice to be in three to five years? What are tools you have available to make that happen? What makes the most sense for your practice and the patients you want to reach? Answering these questions will give you a sense of what you need to do.
3. Get with the plan.
After you've answered the hard questions, you need to formulate a plan for how to make the strategy a reality. Determine a realistic budget and draft a schedule of when it makes sense to reach out to potential and current patients through direct mail, advertising, social media and your blog.
4. Rally the troops.
Good, old-fashioned word of mouth is still one of your strongest weapons. Engage staff members, loyal patients, family and friends to spread the word--digitally. Consider asking patients with great success stories to share a testimonial for your website. You could also film the testimonial and share via social media.
5. Call for reinforcements.
If you're wondering where to start or how your staff can handle marketing on top of their additional duties, Escaype Enterprises has years of experience in healthcare marketing and can help with customized solutions for your practice and budget. Click here to learn more about us TODAY!
The good news? It's totally manageable. Below are some tips to make you stand out as a healthcare marketing warrior:
1. Do some recon.
It's easy to get locked into your daily routines and not think much about your competition. But to develop a strong marketing plan, you need to know what makes you different and how you stand out from your competitors. If you don't know why you're better, it's going to be a hard sell to convince others.
2. Be strategic.
Now that you know your competitive advantages, think about where you want your practice to be in three to five years? What are tools you have available to make that happen? What makes the most sense for your practice and the patients you want to reach? Answering these questions will give you a sense of what you need to do.
3. Get with the plan.
After you've answered the hard questions, you need to formulate a plan for how to make the strategy a reality. Determine a realistic budget and draft a schedule of when it makes sense to reach out to potential and current patients through direct mail, advertising, social media and your blog.
4. Rally the troops.
Good, old-fashioned word of mouth is still one of your strongest weapons. Engage staff members, loyal patients, family and friends to spread the word--digitally. Consider asking patients with great success stories to share a testimonial for your website. You could also film the testimonial and share via social media.
5. Call for reinforcements.
If you're wondering where to start or how your staff can handle marketing on top of their additional duties, Escaype Enterprises has years of experience in healthcare marketing and can help with customized solutions for your practice and budget. Click here to learn more about us TODAY!