Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The "Morale" of The Story: Employee Incentive Programs May Improve Performance on the Job

It's no secret that employee incentives and recognition schemes have recently become a powerful tool for human resources departments in many companies.

This is mostly because job competition and the change of pace in professional environments nationwide now has added pressure, as well as even more demands from all levels of a company's employees...

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), each worker's performance can become an integral part in the success or failure of a company.

This is why PRP (Perfomance Related Pay ) initiatives have currently been credited for the increase in productivity at businesses across the U.S.

Here are 3 great examples of why implementing PRP , or employee incentive programs , can be helpful to employers:

1)  The primary objective is to give an employee some control over their income.
"Cold hard cash" can be notoriously motivating, but can also be highly ineffective over time for the majority of people. That's because employees, by nature, have little ability in reality to alter their behavior to significantly increase their earnings.

2)  Employee incentive programs can create a greater sense of responsibility for your staff. This means your team can develop more ownership of their jobs, simply because they have a bigger reason to work harder and become more productive for their own personal benefit!

3) PRP initiatives have been known to stimulate employees to work harder than average. Why is this the case? Because many people seem to be motivated more by "the light at the end of the tunnel" (with rewards aside from monetary compensation) rather than just going through the motions until it's time to clock out for the day.

While "compromise" typically tends to be what constitutes an adequate reason for your employees to perform well on the job,  balancing the (unwritten) requirement to improve performance will also encourage your staff to stay on board with your business for the long-term.

If you or someone from your company is interested in implementing successful employee incentive programs for your personnel visit LoyaltyWorks.com TODAY!

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